Under Slung crane or Under Hung crane is a type of EOT crane in which hoist trolley hangs from a girder. Girder comprises of single web type structural construction for supporting the trolley. The girder of crane is mounted on end carriages with wheels. The under slung crane hangs on end carriages from supporting beams of the building at both ends.
Hoist Mechanism
It consists of a bottom block fitted with a standard swivel hook. The bottom block is suspended from trolley on 2 or 4 falls of wire rope. The wire rope is wound on a grooved drum which is sufficiently long to accommodate the length of rope required for the specified lift of hoist. The hoist drum is driven through motor- gearbox- brake- coupling arrangement. Straight & helical spur gearing are used for all motions. The greabox are totally enclosed type and the lubrcation of gears & pinion is achieved by splash lubrication of the oil within the enclosure. Squirrel cage AC motor is used to power hoist mechanism. DC Drum brake / DC disc brake is used to stop hoist drum at particular position during lifting/ lowering of load.
Under Slung Crane
Cross Travel Mechanism
It consists of a frame structure which runs on two pairs of wheels. One pair of wheels are driving wheels and the other pair of wheels are driven wheels. The wheels are single flanged with taper / parallel treads to suit to the monorail. The wheels are driven through geared motor arrangement. DC disc brake is used to stop CT motion.Long Travel Mechanism
Long travel drive assembly is provided on either sides of the girder for movement of the crane on the beams. The Long Travel Mechanism consists of assembly of motor- brake- coupling- gearbox - wheel. The LT wheel runs on rails provided on the gantry.The crane is operated from pendant hanging from crane.
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