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Belt Conveyor
SAMPRA :: Tower Crane or Construction Crane


Tower crane or Construction crane are deployed where erection/ construction activities at high levels are carried out.

Tower cranes consist of following parts:

(i) Base - For supporting the whole crane.

(ii) Mast - The steel structure which is fixed on base for giving crane its height.

(iii) Slewing Mechanism - It is attached to the top of the mast and it facilitates the rotation of arm/ jib of the crane. There is motor-gear drive arrangemet to rotate jib of the crane.

(iv) Arm or Jib - The long horizontal steel structure on which the hoist trolley moves the load.

(v) Hoist Trolley - An electric hoist which runs along the jib to move the load as per requirement. The hoist trolley is main component which is used to lift and move the load and serve purpose of the crane.

Some tower cranes, depending on its capacity and height of lift, are provided with :
(i) Operator Cabin
(ii) Counterweight

After the erection activity at site is completed, the tower crane is disassembled and removed from the work site.

Tower Crane Construction Crane
Tower Crane